AI for EDA Applications
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Determine the functionality of circuits by predicting the logic-1 probability of each gate under random simulation
Mean absolute error (MAE) between the ground truth and predicted results
Models: GCN / GAT / GraphSAGE / DeepGate2 / PolarGate
Determine the functional similarity between two gates based on their truth tables
Mean absolute error (MAE) of the cosine similarity between their embeddings and the similarity between the pair-wise truth tables
Models: GCN / GAT / GraphSAGE / DeepGate2 / PolarGate
Determine whether each gate is located on the boundaries of any adder in an AIG
Binary cross-entropy (BCE) loss of the node classification results (whether the boundary of full adder or not)
Models: Gamora / HOGA
Input Boundary Identification
Output Boundary Identification